Fire suppression systems protect huge investments in buildings and assets, and are required by code to have annual inspection, testing, and maintenance (ITM) performed on them. Frequently, ITM is also required at many other intervals such as weekly, monthly, quarterly, and semi-annually. As is stated in the NFPA 25 Handbook –
“Although extensive training and experience are necessary for many of the prescribed tasks, property owners or their designated representatives can perform some of the required inspection activities, such as basic inspections of valve position or pressure gauge readings, which require a minimal amount of training and instruction.”
Fire Prevention Services Ltd. offers our clients and maintenance personnel this valuable instruction. We provide hands on training, and the proper documentation and checklists specific to your facility. We can have your people trained here in Yellowknife, or ideally, we can come to you, and detailed instruction can be given on your actual equipment.
NFPA also offers the Certified Sprinkler ITM Specialist for Facility Managers (CSITMS) certification. Fire Prevention Services Ltd has CSITMS certified staff available to help guide your maintenance professionals in obtaining this valuable knowledge.
In the near future, Fire Prevention Services Ltd. will also be offering certification in the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems with the goal of improving the industry as a whole, both by increasing the proficiency of the technicians working on your systems, and by educating our client base on what a proper inspection, testing, and maintenance program is actually all about.